How To Read Truss Drawings. 622014 Truss Member Forces. MulTI-ply gIrDer ConneCTIon A girder is a truss that supports loads from other structural members framing into it. Web bracing requirements are noted and referenced by a letter in parenthesis on the component drawing. 0 O 8-11 Ovcr R 0130.
Rills R384- -20439 092104 DATE BC BC TOT. 0 O 8-11 Ovcr R 0130. Feet - inches - sixteenths k - Duration of Load for Plate and Lumber Design L - Code M - TC BC and Web Maximum Combined Stress Indices n - Deflections inches and Span to Deflection Ratio o - input Span to Deflection Ratio P - MiTek Plate. This stands for Feet Inches Sixteenths. The answer is a convention of the truss producing industry. See WTCAs TTB How to Read a Truss Design Drawing for more detailed information.
Reading a MiTek Engineering Drawing 1 Job name 2 Truss label 3 Truss type 4 Truss quantity 5 Number of plies 6 Job description 7 Software version 8a Cumulated dimensions of top chord panel lengths are added together along the top chord of truss feet-inches-sixteenths.
Each truss package comes with a set of detailed drawings and truss setting instructions. 622014 Truss Member Forces. In most cases taking just one class can provide you with a sufficient knowledge to read basic engineering drawings. Each truss plate manufacturer provides software to the truss fabricator that generates proprietary Truss Design Drawings TDDs. In this tutorial I explain the different types of roof trusses and how to lay them out to get a structural roof plan using AutoCAD. Many community colleges and universities offer introductory courses in this subject.